Play in the background

How can I reproduce the music playing in the background?

Please be more specified. which music, which player, how, etc. etc.


Why are you PMing people? I flagged your other post in the pm.

He PMed you too? or what???

That answers the question; yes.

the truth I do not understand anything, I do not use this portal, I just want someone to help me solve the problem. if you can’t or don’t know, please just say so and voila …

Well, looks like you do!

How can we know if you don’t tell us anything. It was said by so many people, but I will say it again bc some new ones don’t know it…

This topic should answer your question:

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exactly that happens to me

Not possible.

As apps made from Kodular dont support background processes.

May be in future. :grinning:



Sorry, I had to publish it :rofl: