Please anyone help me with Airtable stored data Search issue.. with listview

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hi guys i have an app that works with airtable but as soon as you change airtable details the app is not working anymore so if anyone want to check it out let me know

Don’t hijack another topic with you own question. Your question is not related to this one.

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Hi Peter its not a question its help…and i am not hijacking any post i am part of this discussion as well geee whats wrong with some of the people on this form.

You are not the one who started this topic. The topic is about adding a searchbar to the app your question is not. By posting your own question you are hijacking this topic with your question.

Did you read this?

And in your case

Post in the right categorie, post only once and do not steal topics

  • Do not post replies to old topics asking your own question. Start your own new topic instead. Hi-jacking other peoples topics is against the Forum Rules and irritates everyone.
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Peter i am not asking…its not even my aia its a sample of an app that anyone can use but i will keep it to myself. sorry if i HIJACKED this post…

i made a sample search function, think this is what you need.

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Watch This No1 and Great Search Option.

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