Prevent the user from using the developer mode on the mobile phone so that the user does not use fake gps

prevent the user from using the developer mode on the mobile phone so that the user does not use fake gps
how do I do that?

this extension probably is providing that feature?
HackProtect Extension by Cian to find out, if a device is rooted or runs in the emulator etc.


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not solved

Hello @jltecdes!
I developed a quick extension to check if developer mode is enabled or not.
Screenshot 2020-09-15 001739

It has only 1 block which returns 1 if developer mode is on else 0.

Screenshot 2020-09-15 001646

Link: com.fahad.DeveloperMode.aix (5.6 KB)

Hope it helps!


Thank you my friend!! sensational! Unbelievable!!

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