Problem in airtable

I do make an app with airtable and grid cardwiew
When i make a live test to the app everything is ok but when i extract the apk for the app the photos which taken from airtable does not appear ?? What do you think the problem

I used cloudinary with airetable

We are going to need more info like some block examples etc.

All the URLS for Cloudinary are stored in airtable?

Where are the errors coming from, Cloudinary or Airtable query?

I do not know the error from what exactelly !!!
Everything is ok when i test the project . but when i extract it to apk form the photos does not download but in testing they are appear very well

All the URLS for Cloudinary are stored in airtable?

Yes all of them

Make sure you check your responseCodes on Airtable, and setup loops to make sure that it is working properly.

Every thing is ok no problems on airtable .
By the way
I do not work on new project but i do work in edited project . I mean i works on someone aia project i do edit it , on this project there is a paid extension do u think the problem is from this reason … i mean i can not work on a project which have a paid extention ???

This is now just a guessing game. You have to show blocks and describe the issue in greater detail