Problem one signal in kodular

hallo, saya baru saja mencoba membuat aplikasi, ketika saya menghubungkan one signal dengan aplikasi di kodular, saat notifikasi di kirim dari one signal notifikasi tidak masuk di perangkat, apakah ini bug dari kodular atau ada yang salah dengan one signal saya?

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hello, I just tried to make an application, when I connect one signal with the application in kodular, when a notification is sent from one signal the notification does not enter the device, is this a bug from kodular or is there something wrong with my one signal?

Did You search in comunnity ?:mag::eyes:

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First of all, community’s official language is English so please follow rules when creating a topic. Regarding one signal, next time please use search :mag: After Kodular’s latest release, one signal doesn’t work, it is a known bug. Either wait for a fix or …

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