I was working in one of my project where I m getting data and values in json list with Jon tools extension. All the thinks work fine but getting error like this
“Attempt to get value 7 from list of 6” every time even if I change the list to -1 then lso got the same error.
Display list in a label1 so that you know that how many items in a list
& label2 length of list, i have this problem also but sort out from this as i know
there is less item in a list
Sorry but i m extracting the list lenght from number of json string. And the lost can’t change and even then getting the error of attempts to get value over the list lenght.
:Look into that post from me and the answer from a meber which helped me out with json.
I believe you can work in a easier way than now.
yOu have a teest aia file there too to look how it works.
Warnings can be ignored but you can’t ignore errors, (You can ignore “Runtime error” dialog, but still error will be there) because they are important and must be fixed.
Hi @plang58,
i had tried your way and got stuck their can’t even do that i had one before with jsontools.
( i m fetching the post data from wp rest API )
see the screen shots if you or anyone else can help::