Opps no, It automatically asks for permission when the app start.
That’s what I tried.
I think the extension is outdated.
Can you try yourself and say me your result?
Use the newer one which is the BASE64 https://groups.google.com/g/mitappinventortest/c/L6B-8ea9gw4/m/hwNyBxstDQAJ
I would also recommend using label with BASE64 string only on small images
What, the text generated is soo long that it takes 20 secs to scroll. But the image size is only 201KB
WIll try it.
I thought more about image size 128x128
Then try with 2 slash before the file name. Also, in set image picture to, remove file://
Maybe the extension dev can answer it.
My latest blocks
Try these examples maybe they will help you !!!
1.- p177i_Extension_File2String.aia
2.- p177i2_Extension_File2String.aia
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