I tried to get the current position of player in time format like 0.03 by formatting as decimal curent position / 60000 with place 2…the problem is that when it reaches for example 0.59 it will go on to 0.60 0.61… and wont go to 1.00, also adding 0.60+0.41 didnt help
Here is an extension to format the time / duration (millis) in different ways:
→ [HH:mm:ss] → [days + HH:mm:ss], → [HH:mm] → [mm:ss] → etc.
de.bodymindpower.TFormat.aix (6.7 KB)
This is asked very often and always requires a lot of questions / answers and posts in the forum.
Hence this extension (some of it can also be implemented with the on-board methods):
Blocks <a class="lightbox" href="https://kodular-community.s3.dualstack.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/original/3X/1/4/1462…
You can get everything you need here:
Since I have still not received a solution for almost a year (see → here ) and there have been a lot of inquiries, I am introducing the solution today:
playSound_forwardRewind.aia (342.1 KB)
In this example a sound is played from the assets, but it also works with every other path from the external storage (also for the removable / micro SD card) as I have show in the daily challenge #81 .
See last e.g. here:
July 7, 2021, 8:14am
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