Problem with Taifun File Tools

Hi @taifun!
I was making a pdf picker app, using the activity starter component

Action: android.intent.action.GET_CONTENT

Data type: application/pdf

When I select a pdf file, i use the After Activity block:

After the activity i have used the Activity_starter.Result URI, but when I try to convert the Result URI to FileName using this block:

I got an * nothing * value from this block.

Please help me.

-Tomas Barak

What I know of, that block is broken and returns nothing, use FileTools : Some tools to work with files

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Okay, thanks you @Boban!

I think it’s a problem with Android 10, I was searching and I found that Android Q (Android 10) uses a little diferent FileURI with the downloaded files, but with not downloaded files, for example: Documents, camera, etc. It uses the normal FileURI, and works fine.

-Tomas Barak

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