Problemas com blocos

Estou com um probleminha e queria que alguém me ajudasse!
Tenho a Screen1 com oito botões, mas quando coloco um comando de blocos no botão 1, esse mesmo comando se repete nos outro 7 botões.
Como resolvo esse problema?

Desde já agradeço!!

João Neto

Hi @Joao_Pereira_Neto , please translate your post in English so everyone can understand .


Oops! Forgot about that magical button! :grin:

@Joao_Pereira_Neto You should show us blocks.

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I have a little problem and I wanted someone to help me!

I have Screen1 with eight buttons, but when I place a block command on button 1, that same command is repeated on the other 7 buttons.

How do I solve this problem?

Thank you very much in advance!!

João Neto

As already mentioned


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It should not behave like you said! Getting no idea from these screenshots, I request for an sample aia if possible.

You have to pull out a new button event for the corresponding button


But what about all buttons are responding same action (As he said)? I got him wrong, may be!

What I can see, is that he is only marking the buttons but in blocks he has only one event block for one button

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And I thought that single block is working for all buttons! My fault!