Problems setting an image in the image component

I have tried in many ways to show the image captured by the camera or taken from the gallery and the image component does not allow me to view it, everything was fine, the app has been working for years and showed the image, a few months ago I started a new update but the The camera component was crashing and it seemed to be a problem with the kodular platform, which was solved in its new update but now you can’t see the image in the image component.
I share the captures

the path to the image is /storage/emulated/0/SMAD/image.jpg
or the one taken from the gallery

The folder is created when the application is initialized as the first time, once the folder is created it stores all the necessary resources for its operation, the system creates the name and stores the path of the image depending on the time it is taken.The folder is created when the application is initialized as the first time, once the folder is created it stores all the necessary resources for its operation, the system creates the name and stores the path of the image depending on the time it is taken.

Are you using android version greate than 10??

Yes, I am testing the application on android 11

Then try this method,

You can use file:// with a join block and in second place u can use the necessary image

I will try it and tell you if it worked

I already tried, joining the blocks to bring the address to the images folder but it doesn’t work either.

the modification of the manifest did not work
another option?

very soon after Kodular targets SDK30 you will not be able to store images in a random directory anyway…
you might be interested in the design document
