Problems with Activity Starter

Not very helpful since we don’t know what you have in this block


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i’m pulling a pdf file straight from airtable to actvity_stater1, to open in to the mobile’s native pdf app to display my pdf file

blocks (41)

That’s from web, we are talking about file from storage

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Has he tried to put everything together? like this in one block?

file: ///mnt/sdcard/TripuraSelectedNewspaperPDFs/PAGE-1.pdf

Just realized that the thread is more than 1 year old so no point in posting here more


A post was split to a new topic: An internal error has occurred

Is this problem still not solved?

I am getting same error when opening a pdf file from storage with activity starter.

I am using custom package name and i can not change it as my app is already published on play store.

Problem is solved when using default package name.

Now i have a problem,

I have published my app on play store with custom package name.

Now i have changed it to default package name, what happens if I try to update the app with default package name?

YesI also have same problem. @KodularCreator pls help us

Both problems are solved when using default package name or using custom package name.

Solution :

  1. Use default package name and activity starter.


  1. Use custom package name and Deep Host PdfViewer extension.
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@The_K_Studio What do you mean by using the default package name?

I have been using Activity_Starter1 for almost a year without any problem, which leads me to think that possibly something has to do with the update version Kodular Eagle 1.4C.1 (I have not touched my code at all and now I have the same problem :frowning: )

Default package name means keeping the package name text box empty. Kodular will assign a default package name.

Thanks for answering, if I understand correctly you should have no problem then (see attached image) but the error persists.

I use custom package name and Deep Host PdfViewer extension to open most of my files, but for a particular pdf it doesn’t work, since they are edited in latex and it doesn’t recognize certain mathematical characters.