Question about TaifunCamera extension

Hi Taifun,
i purchased your extension about 2 years ago for MITappinventor and it worked fine. I am now switching to kodular and it doesn’t work on my galaxy s10. Even your provided app doesn’t seem to work.
Is there a update version?
And if yes how do i get it?

Thank you very much.
Best Regards,
Pascal von Flüe

what about sending me a message by email or a PM (personal message) for questions like this?

which version of the extension are you using? which Android version is running on that device? does it work in MIT App Inventor? what exactly means “does not work”? can you elaborate?

the latest version is Version 5 as of Jan 31th 2019

send me an email together with a proof, that you bought the extension in the past, so I can send you a download link…

PS: what about sending me a message by email or a PM (personal message) for questions like this?