Quiz App Answer Notifier With Airtable

I Think Option 1 will work when clicking dont click on label try to click in space left after label
of it work then let me know
make separate thread for Ur problem is always good

This quiz logic will work for you. This is with firebase but you can do it with airtable with some changes.

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Still not working, also i change label with button but not working

In airtable shift correct ans of Question to option 1 and check

@Lalit_prasad1 thank you for help but i think my problem is in the blocks as all information get ok from the airtable but the error in comparing between the chosen answer and correct answer…always read ‘‘chosen answer’’ as wrong answer!

the solution is using ''trim" to remove any lines!
Image 00

That error was not because of notifier there was no space in the text which getting from airtable but see image clearly there is space before or after / so @SI_Zakir_Khan got that issue