Quiz list: How to solve? --> Select list item: Attempt to get item number 0, of the list. The minimum valid item number is 1


I’m trying to make a quiz with various items and multiple option answer.

I have a problem with the first item in the list. That are the relationated blocks:

If I set the global Index to 1 (red square), when I initialize the quiz it starts with the item 2. Pesimismo (yellow square).
If I set the global Index to 0 it appears the next mistake:

Select list item: Attempt to get item number 0, of the list (1. Tristeza 2. Pesimismo 3. Fracaso 4. Pérdida de placer 5. Culpa 6. Castigo 7. Disconformidad 8. Autocrítica 9. Pensamientos suicidas 10. Llanto 11. Agitación 12. Pérdida de interés 13. Indecisión 14. Desvalorización 15. Pérdida de energía 16. Hábitos de sueño 17. Irritabilidad 18. Apetito 19. Dificultades de concentración 20. Cansancio o fatiga 21. Pérdida de interés en el sexo). The minimum valid item number is 1

I tried to solve it with the blocks inside the pink square but it doesn’t works.

¿How can I solve it?

Thanks for your help!!

I think this can help:

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Thanks vknow360. I did it before my ask in the forum, it was how I had it before and it doesn’t work because with the global Index starts to 1 the first item it will not appear.

I solved it adding 2 white items at the first and the end of the list, now it works well but I’m not sure that’s the better way to solve it, if anyone has another idea I will be happy to hear it!

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It sounds good that you solved your problem.
Can you give .aia file so I can test it?
Or .ais file?