Random Project Name Generator

Your extension is really helpful to create a good & funky name for game apps… :rofl::rofl:


Good job! So you are now an extension developer! :ok_hand:

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Oh, that’s interesting… How much extensions are required for the Extensions Developer badge/group, @ Kodular?

I think you can check that on my.kodular.io in the Profile section if you have linked your creator account with the community.


I think there is no fixed requirement, see @vknow360 has published very much extensions but is still not in the Group, while others (no names here) have published one and are in the group. What do you think?

Hm, I only have the option for the ProKoder membership…

Yeah, but let’s not go offtopic. Staff are always welcome to add me, and others to the group if they want, it’s up to them at the end of the day :slight_smile:


Very right! :clap: :clap:

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Well, it’s not his first extension:

Oh…I didn’t saw that

Only one. Request to join it

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.


Excellent work

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Who granted me the title? :slight_smile:


Some posts are missing.
Can I ask why?

Congrats @Yoshi :heart_eyes:
I understand what flag does but no our posts have not been hidden.They have been removed/deleted by respected moderator or staff (if I am not wrong)

My post got flagged and hidden automatically bc more than one user flagged. :unamused:


This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Great work. Thanks for the extension.

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I think you can add one more thing in your extension that length of name
That user can set length that he/she wants 6 letter name…

That Might be Cool


Excellent Idea! Will be added in the future update!

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