Guys, I would like to know if I can relate tables in airtable. For example Table A has a one-to-many relationship with Table B.
Table A has fields such as ID_A, name_A and Table B has the fields ID_B, name_B, service_type_rendered (ex.: mechanic). If we are going to work with relationship, the primary key ID_A would go to Table B. In this somewhat confusing context, in airtable I can do this as it is done in mysql.
I did not understand .
If you know :
create database
create tables
create relationships
Why are you trying to use WORKSHEETS?
Então Rogério eu queria saber se consigo fazer isso no Airtable. Criar esses relacionamentos um para um, um para muitos e muitos para muitos. O que eu mais vejo é o pessoal usando Firebase e Airtable. Com Kodular. Mysql não. Se tiver artigos aí poderia me passar?
Well, I still don’t understand why to try airtable and Firebase.
About MySQL there are several topics here.
In airtable And Firebase If you can make this relationship, I don’t know
Eu quero saber Rogério se eu consigo interligar tabelas (chave estrangeira) utilizando o Airtable com Kodular.
We are not clear with your query… Do you want to match or compare table A elementary with Table B or, you want to store value in Table B which is matching with Table A elements?
That’s right! I want to know if I can do this specifically on Airtable.
Screen inti+ get all spreadsheet data
Compare previous screen data with required list, get index number.
Upon hitting save button save the details in the specific row with the help of index
Well, since airtable is not a Relational Database , you will have to create logic to compare columns or cells from one spreadsheet to another.
Hugs. 07:02 am
Ok Rogério, so what’s the point of using Airtable with Kodular if it’s not relational?
your answer. The spreadsheet accepts relationships. And airtable, it’s still a spreadsheet.
Follow the step by step and set up your spreadsheet.
Design the worksheets according to the tutorial.
and create your blocks to work with the relationship between the sheets…
I do not know why. I never use spreadsheets to store data from a system.
Wait… soon they will post an (simple Or
Complete ) example…