Rush • A new and improved way of building extensions

In the in your src directory

Just add it at the end, then compile extension with rush build -r


eeee it worked !)))

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how to fix this error? @Shreyash

Make sure that you’re connected to the internet and that the URL is accessible from your ISP. You might need to use a VPN or setup DoH for your PC.

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return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev);

i make extension onInterceptTouchEvent error in jaava ide
can help me make that
if touch down view return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev);

Hi, I did this:

//--------in Manifest.xml-------

  <receiver android:exported="true" android:name=".MyBroadcastReceiver">
          <action android:name="com.GO-1"/>

//-------and code:--------------

package com.test1

import android.content.BroadcastReceiver
import android.content.Context
import android.content.Intent
import android.widget.Toast

class Test1(container: ComponentContainer) : AndroidNonvisibleComponent(container.$form()) {
private fun get_random(): Int {
return (0…1000).random()

@SimpleFunction(description = "text2")
fun SumAll(x: Int): Int {
    val test01 = get_random()
    return test01 * -1


class MyBroadcastReceiver : BroadcastReceiver() {
override fun onReceive(context: Context, intent: Intent) {
intent.let {
val data = it.extras?.getString(“data”)
Toast.makeText(context, “Broadcast Received with data $data”, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()

The build in Rush is successful.
The build in Kodular is successful.
But when my application receives Broadcast = “com.GO-1” - my the application is destroyed!
Why is this happening?

@ashishlambat5 You use Java 8

i got problem:
android.widget.FrameLayout cannot be cast to com.facebook.shimmer.ShimmerFrameLayout
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds

public void addsshimer (AndroidViewComponent view) {
final View vx2 = view.getView ();

shimmer_layout = (ShimmerFrameLayout) vx2;

iam add deps

Use addView method to add any custom view to AndroidViewComponent.

how do that … give me example.
is should 2 layer component for shimmer work

Hello colleagues!
Rush uses runtime.jar and runtime-sources.jar archives to compile extensions. However, the content of the runtime components has not been updated since 2021. And some new class interaction features are not available for extensions. Does anyone know how to get new versions of these libraries?

Please update the rush dependencies to the latest version

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what is solution …all program true . but when testing. i get notif …6.0.1 version billing playstore

Are you testing your own built extension?
Or facing issue on aix which is not built by you?

now i got notif when i try extension billing ver 6.0.1

own extension with java

You’ve to make sure that the missing class is present in your aix during runtime.

in rush i dont know whre i can find missing class… when i export to aix no problem or error

try rush build -r, so you can see the missing classes on compile time.

i just edit manisfest , proguard and like this

are this succes when i use testing ?

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