SAF: App Inventor implementation of Storage Access Framework


i want to copy files from aseets to android data folder in android 11, so how can i do this…?

Which /Android/data/ folder ?

You should use either TaifunFile or FileTools.

There is no way (and no extension) to copy / move / save a file in /Android/data/ (outside of the ASD).

Even not with MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>

I am facing some problem with this SAF thing.
My end goal is to read a pdf from Documents folder and upload it to Firebase Storage. The problem I am facing is after picking the file from Documents folder and coverting its URI to path to upload it to Firebase Storage as it accepts File Paths only. I got path as /sdcard/… which is prompted as No such file or directory while uploading to Firebase Storage.

can anyone please reply my question


I want to copy files with this block so how I can do this. please make a post

Why do you think so? Probably because you didn’t read complete post.

How did you convert uri to path? Try using PathFromUri method of FileTools extension.

Yes I am using PathFromUri from your FileTools extension but getting same thing i.e, /sdcard/ and google storage prompts no such file found

Because the URI is accessible to your app and not the path.
I believe you can access files from shared directories after getting read access.

I Am Trying to copy files from one folder to another but I got some errors. can you please solve my problem?


SAF.aia (31.9 KB)

Somehow uri has some issues. Do it to check results in companion.

i am testing this in companion. please check it and fix this problem.


Any Solution???

Yes and no.

What you mean??

but it is only working for text/ files

Why do you think so? There are two blocks in latest version for writing.

i can’t understand properly can you please please give us a aia file.??

Definitely no.
Everything you need to know is provided in that post.