SAF: App Inventor implementation of Storage Access Framework

What you mean??

but it is only working for text/ files

Why do you think so? There are two blocks in latest version for writing.

i can’t understand properly can you please please give us a aia file.??

Definitely no.
Everything you need to know is provided in that post.

why you do not help us. please give some images only for copy files.

Did you check?

i can’t understand what I do first. readAsByte Array or create documentree. if you give us this aia than this will be very helpful for us

hello Sunny Gupta please reply can you fix this??

Did you read? :slightly_smiling_face:

if i understand than why i ask you. i request you to make a demo aia of copy file from a folder to another



Ok Please :pray: :sweat_smile:

Can you give me java code to Take Persistable Uri Permission of this uri

I need permission for this folder and all its sub folder
Read write both

You already created extension with code, can you please give me Java code

There is no way to open/access this path via SAF, at least not on Android 11+.
The same applies to /Android/data/.

They get permission for /Android dir.

I try to copy a files from Documents to ASD in Android 11 but the IsCopySupported block Result: False.
I already added PersistableUriPermission. Could you ckek my blocks? Thank you

Also I tried this:

Those methods always return false for asd.
Try this way of copying files:

Hello, is it able to copy files in others app dir?