Save to Firebase Database the url of the image or text stored in Firebase Storage

GRS used the FileTools extension that Dora had posted in the topic The operation Picture cannot accept the arguments: , [nothing].
I saved the file after using Activity Starter. FileTools took the path and I managed to save to Firebase Database.

Can I put it as a solution or do I wait for you to post the bucket list?

Please ask me a question. I used the above method to save the pdf file to Firebase Storage and the URL to Firebase Database. How do I open this PDF in my application? I saw an extension on DeepHost which is InApp_PDFViewer with two methods. I would like to know how to use PDF_Load_From_Storage. I know that here in the community no one likes to use DeepHost extensions because they don’t have support, but is there another one with documentation that can serve?

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It is up to you. Which post helps you to solve your problem , you can hit that as solution.

BTW, did you set ask permission block in the screen initi? File tools needs such permission, if not it won’t work

Anyhow you can use web viewer also can be used to show the pdf within app

First try the @Anu10 suggested extension then you try for it.

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