Search nearby markets

I have seen tutorials and documents that show how to create and display a market in the google maps component, but I don’t know how to make the markets appear near my location. Can someone give me information about the above?

Use web viewer and go to url, LONGITUDE, ZOOM LEVEL


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Hello, thanks for your input.

Keep in mind that the markets are published by me, but they will not be the markets that google already has registered.

Load latitude and longitude from your db and show marker an maps

See here

Add a circle in your map and then you can create a procedure to calculate distance between two points in order to show only markers inside the circle

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Good idea partner, I will try the different options that all of you offer me and at the end I will put what my solution was.

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@dora_paz How can I do so that when turning the mobile, the map also rotates with the phone?
Thanks in advance.

Use this block


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Friend, I still have not been able to show the created markers that are close to my location.

I would like the user to enter how many KM he would like the nearby markets to be searched for.


If the user chooses 5KM then in that 5KM range only the markets that cover that area are loaded.

I have thought about having him analyze each market and tell me if it is within the range of kilometers from my point to the market point, but I have many markets and he is going to think a lot.

Is there another solution?

Can I change this image for a custom one? or can I change it for a text?

I would like my map to be unique, like this type of map that I found on the internet:

With google maps component it is not possible. You can use an extension like

Is there a free way?

Have you tested it? I think with a relational SQL database this is fast.


Thanks for the material friend, I see it right now.

Can you share the blocks of this project or its AIA?

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