Select List item : list Index to large

problem name

Select List item : list Index to large

Good afternoon guys I’m facing this kind of problem, I’ve seen researched several questions and try to solve more I can not, so I come to you to ask for help with my project, please could someone help me?

I’m using an extension called custom_design_listview from DeepHost and what I want to do is pretty simple, I’m calling cardview through airtable, but when I click on the image it should open another screen and show the contents, but it gives this error and I can’t find it

here are the screenshots


used blocks

Apk for test

Igreja_Avivamento (26).apk (6.0 MB)

I thank everyone in the community

usd Do it to debug your blocks… it seems to be, your list is empty…
see also tip 4 here App Inventor: How to Learn | Pura Vida Apps


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I thank everyone in the community @Taifun , checked and all lists are filled

solved my problem, but when I click on the image opens a content screen, and every time I click when it opens they are reversing the order every time

sorry, I don’t understand, what you are talking about

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