Set response content for google form

Hi all,
I am creating a database using Google sheet and I’m using the web component for this and in my app I want to upload, update, delete and get specific data… So what I am doing is I everytime am submitting a Google form through my app to perform all actions… Suppose I want to get column then while submitting the Google form I’ll fill the action question to “get column(name)” and then my app script will calculate get the coloum data but how do I set the response content of the Google form? What I want is when I set the action to “get column”, the response content should be the coloum data… So how can I set the response content to the coloum data?

see these ressources


I got the solution… Thank you taifun and there’s one error in your code that I would like you to correct so it helps other users as well

feel free to tell me more about that error

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