Show what is selected from a <select> in webview

Hello everyone, I would like you to help me please.

How do I show me the options of a tag as shown in the image, that is, I would like a button to show me all the options, as shown in the image.

I was trying with the Fillform extension, Thank you @Atom_Developer getting the id, but nothing happens.


This is the code html:

 <div class="col-sm-6">
         <select name="ctl00$MainContent$ddlTiposDocumentos" id="ddlTiposDocumentos" class="form-control" style="border-color:#0094c7">
	<option value="5|CC">CEDULA DE CIUDADANIA</option>
	<option value="6|PA">PASAPORTE</option>
	<option value="7|AS">ADULTO SIN IDENTIFICACION</option>
	<option value="10|CD">CARNET DIPLOMATICO</option>
	<option value="12|CN">CERTIFICADO DE NACIDO VIVO</option>
	<option value="13|SC">SALVACONDUCTO DE PERMANENCIA</option>
	<option value="14|PE">PERMISO ESPECIAL DE PERMANENCIA</option>
	<option value="1|MS">MENOR SIN IDENTIFICACION</option>
	<option value="2|RC">REGISTRO CIVIL</option>
	<option value="3|TI">TARJETA DE IDENTIDAD</option>
	<option value="4|CE">CEDULA DE EXTRANJERIA</option>



I appreciate the help.

Dynamically opening a select drop-down does not seem possible.

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