Simple android settings extension{free}

Write a short description

its a simple extention that everyone can easily understabd by blocks pic…

Add a picture of all the blocks

Write instructions to use your extension

u can open direct android settings by this extension and u can redirect the user to that screen…

Download link here;

com.chstudio.extensions.AndroidSetting.aix (7.4 KB)


Nice extension :+1:, but please follow the naming conventions:


Thanks for guide… I will do in next update

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nice, but all of this can be done with activity starter…
that is no userful extension.
But nice try, keep :kodular:oding :+1:t2:
all the best.


Already mentioned in post that…

But It’s may b helpful for those who unaware to use activity starter with intents, actions, and android permissions and settings…

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Good work keep ot up​:+1:

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Nice extension.keep it up

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Thanks bruuu

Thank you. .

Good work!

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NIce try. Keep koding…
All the best.

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Very nice extension, but is there a way to display this android window:

with button click in mit app inventor ??

or run adb shell settings put global private_dns_mode off this command in mit app inventor ??

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One recommendation add notification setting

Nice extension :heart_eyes::kissing_heart:

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