SketchPad - Doodle On The Go

As of now, no. The source code is private.

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And we’re there! With yesterday’s metrics hot out of the oven, SketchPad has crossed the 20K install mark! :smiley:

As always, thanks to everyone who has been here. Every install, every piece of feedback, every positive review means a lot to me. Keep sharing SketchPad with others. :wink:



Happy birthday, SketchPad! One year ago today, SketchPad 1.0.0 was released to the Play Store. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


HBD Sketch Pad! :sweat_smile:
It’s time to celebrate. :joy:
funny birthday GIF by happy-birthday


:tada: Version 2.0.1 :tada:

SketchPad 2.0.1 is now out on the Beta channel! Be sure to opt-in to try it out before it rolls out to Production and give me your feedback about it. :smile:

Release Notes:

  • Sound effects and vibration have been removed in accordance with user feedback.
  • The ability to set a custom export location that your Gallery recognizes is finally here! Head over to “Settings > Export Location” to try it out.
  • The “Undo” function has been improved, and the potentially confusing “Undo Options” section has been removed from Settings.
  • SketchPad now uses your device’s system font, to address the legibility issues with the previous typeface. Text should now be easier to read.

I’ll release the update to Production when it has been tested to be working properly, or some time tomorrow, whichever comes first.

As always, looking forward to hearing from you guys.


Beautiful app!
I am fully aware of the limitations of the Canvas Component and I am impressed with what you’ve been able to achieve!

I have opted in to the Beta but haven’t received the update yet, you may have already addressed this…

I hope this makes sense:
After I click Undo, if I draw some more, then click Redo, it will redo the stuff I had drawn prior to clicking Undo.
My suggestion would be that once a drawing event has occurred after the Undo event, clear the Redo List.


Thanks a ton, @Ken!

Can you confirm that you’re on 2.0.1? That is the latest version.

That makes perfect sense, thanks for the suggestion. I’ll include this patch in the next update.

As a small teaser: I’m working on something that involves coloring closed spaces quickly. :wink:


Dun dun dun…

It’s usually something considerably big (at least to me) when I post in this topic… And…

SketchPad has crossed 50K Lifetime Installs! :tada::tada:

This is indeed a huge milestone, and I’m grateful to all users for all the support and feedback. SketchPad is an ongoing project and will get updated on the future. :smile:



@Ken is still working on his canvas extension. What would happen if you use this instead of the standard canvas.


He actually contacted me, and I’m working closely with him to integrate this into SketchPad. I’m not immediately confirming that the current SketchPad will be updated to include the Drawing Canvas; but it could take the form of something like “SketchPad Pro” (because sadly, I will not be able to pay for the extension if limit it to the free SketchPad).

However, I’m truly excited by working with Ken, because his extension makes some features block-coded in vanilla Kodular by me much more robust, while being exponentially faster. :smile:


@Italo and me are also testing the extension. @Italo made a great drawing app. This is an image of an early version.


We have two questions
How to make colorpicker
How to make undo

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I’m not sure I understand what you mean to say.


Can i get the aia file

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No you can not.


i am edited:sweat_smile:

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The colorpicker is actually a Canvas, with a background image of the color spectrum. To pick the color, get the background pixel color at a given point (x,y).

My implementation is pretty complex (in order to allow for implementation of other related features in the future), and also a kind of trade secret, so I will not share the exact details.

However, here is a basic look at how it is done:

  1. Keep track of all Canvas drawing events.
  2. To undo the last event, do the converse of the last event (for a line draw, that would mean drawing a line with paint color the same as background color).
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In addition, another solution is to save the image that the canvas displayed then load it from the storage (slower).