SketchPad - Doodle On The Go

I can provide a hint; you may find this block useful:

component_method (1)


You can always search the community. This is from a long time ago.


@Kanishka_Developer a great news for you

A famous youtuber named Tech Burner with Almost 7million subs just used your app for one of his video


OMG!! A great achievement @Kanishka_Developer :heart_eyes:

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How do you make export function because in android 11 you need all files access to create directory to root of external storage (that is /storage/emulated/0/) but in your app it just asks for write permission and creates a directory at /storage/emulated/0/
Please give answer.
Thanks in advance



The export function still works the way it does, because 2.0.1 has quite an old target API. If I rebuild the old AIA on the latest Kodular, the app will simply crash. One of the many complications when trying to get SketchPad to be compliant with policy changes and API level requirements since the last release.


I didn’t understand it.
Thanks in advance.

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SketchPad still uses the legacy storage method, which is deprecated. With the next version, I can no longer create a folder in /storage/emulated/0 to store images, instead I have to store them in the ASD. :confused:


Is this app have paper/canvas size option?

Rip people that have chromebook and wanna use this app in the pc

I know this app is not made for chromebook but how about phones that dont have the shake dedector

How do you create undo and redo?
Thanks in advance

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SketchPad 2.0 made the Shake to Clear feature optional, and added a “Clear Canvas” button.

Every interaction with the canvas is logged (this log stays in memory, and is erased when the app is closed or when the canvas is cleared) and then this huge amount of data gets translated back into canvas events. It is computationally expensive, and the reason Undo/Redo is slow for large drawings (larger canvas log = slower undo).

The next version (whenever that is ready) should hopefully include an alternate undo method, which trades some of the features for better performance. Sadly I haven’t yet managed to combine the power of the canvas log with the speed of simply reverting to canvas snapshots.

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Please give me some hints or block you used to undo and redo
Thanks in advance

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