Finaly I have solved this.
You solved what?
i think this days it is hard to make a complete post here. I dont knwo but i think people are to lazy for that, but we have to help them. The best posts are that where people wrote i have an issue please help me here is the aia. That posts are the best bc they think we all have time for them for free. We are sitting in front of the PC/LAPTOP/Smartphone and waiting till some one wrotes : pls help me. download my aia udn look what is wrong, than change everything to right and than send him back. Or some ppl here wrote. I want a make a app kie … But i have no idea, can some one post me your aia i need that and that ery fast because … And than a hour later. Pls help my , why did nobody help me, i need that app, because i want to put in some 100 banners and videos and than i start to earn with your work. The team wrotes that they are llokng to solve the prolems with admob. but each day 10 people wrote here and in all other builder forum the same. Whats going my admob dont gibve me rewards. Pls help me fast. Very fast like yesterday where some one told to mikka i need help fast, pls help me fast. Because he saw that admobs stoped working. Really crazy how some people are.