Splash image Looks behind the keyboard

No? OK.



Boban is correct. You have a timing issue. Put a timer in to slow down events to ensure they are executed in the proper and complete order.

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how to add timer and how much

Use the clock function, and make sure your image is not too large.

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i did use the clock function but problem is same. if i use splash in app then this problem occurs. and when i don’t use the splash screen image then there is no problem. but i don’t want see white screen during launching the my app. now tell me the solution. i want to use splash and don’t want to interupt the splash screen when I touch the Google Search bar to search something in, at that time splash screen image shows behind the keyboard before the keyboard appearing on screen for typing
Here are the AIA and APK files of splash screen image problem by amendment in app design or blockssplashproblem.apk (6.2 MB)
splashproblem.aia (495.7 KB)

I think we have same issue

yes yes of course same

Try this one splashproblem.apk (6.2 MB) it behaves differently as I have made some changes to it

P.S uninstall your previous version


please provide me aia of #splashproblem

Will you please tell how do you made it working :thinking:

it is working please provide aia of #splashproblem

Sorry guys there is no aia with a fix as I made some changes in the Manifest file.



then how i could get the solution

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decompile the apk and edit the manifest using AppToMarket…

@Boban has to tell you what differences he has made
decompile Boban’s apk and yours and compare the 2 manifests with notepad++

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I’m not at home at the moment hence I couldn’t give you the complete answer, later tonight I will write what I did or follow the above answer from @Mr_Blackd



this problem should be fixed for all in the kodualr app development page. not individually fix this bug

This is what I’ve changed, added this |adjustPan

        `<activity android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenSize" android:name="io.kodular.wizular.splashproblem.Screen1" android:theme="@style/AppTheme.NoActionBar" android:windowSoftInputMode="stateHidden|adjustPan">`

I do not know if this is possible, depending on the design that code can do more harm than fix



ok good for you. but I request to the Kodular team that fix it.

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Now i also added splash image in my app & in other screens when keyboard opens it shows splash image in background in short time.
Has anyone fixed this ?

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just don’t use the splash screen or use an arrangement as splash or screen1 and add a timer for splash screen