Start Viewflipper in a selected item of list

No way. Once the count reached the limit 3 or 0 it won’t proceed(as the buttons are disabled)You need to refresh it to reset it… If you are trying to reset then no need of this blocks because it will leads to the loop

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It works perfectly in first time, when initialize the screen. So that the count doesn’t stop and the buttons don’t disable anymore. But I need to go to image 5 and back to image 1 several times, without lead to the loop.

i have tried it in comapnion so it may occur. so just add in the screen initialise block as set global count to 0. prob solved.

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But this way the count will be reset just when initialize the screen or no? Is it possible to put this block set global count to 0 inside the if block? I tried, but I’m not getting it.

let me share my app video to you, it working good to me… wait… uploading

if i do initialise number set it as 1, it mean first image is displaying…

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@Kiko_Castro , Is this what you are looking for or I am misunderstood your query???

modified and got working fine with 3 images

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Yeah!!! Great job man!!
Thank you so much for all support!! :clap:
Now I’m going to mark the problem as solved!! :ok_hand:

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