Stopped working error

Hello everyone, good day. My app is displayed on Google Play Store. I made a few changes to the app. I want to submit an update. But when I try it on my device before sending the update it won’t open. Can you get me out of this problem?



I have meticulously checked all these matters. I couldn’t find a solution.


And …

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Use logcat to catch the error

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I created a copy of the application. I deleted all content and screens in it. Still (.apk) won’t open. It just opens and closes immediately. What else can I do?

CnC_Hesap1.aia (1.3 KB)

About Screen Title is empty





So you @Sinan_erman didn’t read the guide with full knowledge… every field is important thats why that message was pinned globally still…


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If you wish post your apk or pm me your aia to check it

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Read again…

And a tip: to name someone, use @ before.

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Try the below steps. See if you are able to solve it

Every case is not the same, logcat return unbound location null in Screen1 but actually nothing was missing from Screen’s properties. Even when I deleted all screens and all blocks, left only Screen1, double checked Screen properties and project properties app closed immediately after installing.
Decompiled app, check AndroidManifest.xml and found that was missing a line, even thought when I check aia could find that contained two names

<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>

I send OP a new aia and I hope that problem is solved.


Wonderful. I have no other problems. I can’t thank you enough. Figuring out what the problem is and explaining how to fix it is another feat. Thank you for not answering the question with a question.
:clap: :+1: :dizzy:

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