Stopwatch Extensions

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there was already available. First search on community

I’ve searched and found nothing :\

what’s the problem with clock component?

I want to create several timers that work simultaneously with the clock component it can be a little slow

that can be possible with clock component. You need logic.

Are you aware of the fact and want it not to be slow?
Or are you okay with it being slow?

Have you read this guide?
There is an example stopwatch in the aia file provided at the end.
You can use multiple clocks and create multiple stopwatches on the basis of that.


But in the case using this structure is it possible to add a button, which when pressed creates a new timer?

You can use Dynamic Components Extension to create the labels and clock once a button is clicked…

Is there any tutorial for this extension? because i have no idea how to use it

The documentation is self explanatory… Did you try reading it?

If you are following the guide I shared with you, then you’ll need to create a minimum of 7 labels and a clock, using the extension.

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Try this [FREE] Flip Countdown Extension

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