switching from mit app inventor to kodular but its error

I’ve built an app with App Inventor, and would like to try Kodular because It seems good. However, when I export my project in .aia format in App Inventor, and Import it to Kodular, it fails to read the blocks and I get the following error message. i used extensions. could anyone help me?
reinapp.aia (4.1 MB)

Show us the error.

i want to change from mit app tinventor to kodular but there some errors like this “A problem occurred while loading this project. Unable to load project with Web version 8 (maximum known version is 6” and there are some screens works but others not.

Ther are bunch of errors

Yeah, what should i do?

I am newbie with this and i dont know where and what to fix those errors

I’m looking into it

First this block doesn’t exist in Kodular and thereby bunch of errors occurs


You might by able to replace that block with one in this extension [Discontinued] ListAddon Extension

P.S. Is that block even needed

Secondly, some of the components have different names and versions

Try this one reinapp1.aia (4.1 MB)

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i got this notification:
invoke: no method named `SetSideBarItems’ in class java.lang.Boolean
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.

what should i do?