Taifunwifi ... no response

Hi ,

I’m new on this forum but I use since few month kodular (and thunkable,…) .
i dont understand why taifunwifi extension is not working when it comes to finding wifi networks (via availablessids)
the program block with label : “recherche des panneaux disponibles”

I don’t understand because before that’s worked.

I’m trying to create an app which retrieves information from an esp32 and which is also able to send it to it, by putting the esp32 as an access point (I am using accesspointIP of taifun for the moment).
thank you for your help!

honor 9lite (android 9)

what happens, if you try the example project “Get Available SSIDs”? App Inventor Extensions: WiFi | Pura Vida Apps

Note : Precondition to use the AvailableSSID method is

  1. to add a location sensor component into the project
  2. to enable GPS and
  3. to build the app to test its functionality



Hi Taifun, i’m your sponsor (accesspoint :slight_smile: )

Ok i see my mistake, GPS activated but I deleted location component because i didn’t use this component. (I recovered aia of thunkable and I didn’t remember the precise point :wink: )

So now in addition to activating the gps, you must have the component in the program. and it’s ok that’s working now!!
Sans titre|293x500


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