The operation > cannot accept the arguments :[*emptystring]200

i create TOURNAMENT apk entry fee show any number firebase 1 the operation > cannot accept the arguments :[*emptystring]1 entry fee 20 the operation > cannot accept the arguments :[*emptystring]20 errer show plz help

What does the community search say the operation > cannot accept the arguments

before comparing something do a data validation check to make sure, the items you are comparing are not empty


i am send the picture plz check this and highlight perblom i am new user

in Orange boxes usning math block rather than text block will be better.
Apart from those marked by me you probably have made that mistake elsewhere so change / fix them all.

in red box instead of using multiple if then statement use a nested elseif statements.

i am new plz full guide for my issue


Set value if tag not there to 0 math block of tag "match1/currentuser"

Set value if tag to 0 math block of tag “match1/currentuser” but show issue

entry fees 0 errer 0 entry fees 10 errer 10

A hi as I can see there in your firebase image your total user tags value is 100 in string which contains “\100"” which should be int like “100” and same for currentUsers too


And also try this in your firebase project bucket block UpcomingMatches/Match1/

And remove Match1/ from all tags

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