This type clicking option available list view available?

This type clicking option available list view available???

This drop down easily can achievable by dynmic compo extension

Please send explain please i, m a beginner please help

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You are in need of two things…

Dynamic comp exten amd phase extension

First ref this and learn how. to create componenta then you will to know how to complete it or achieve it

Ok please send my design block arrangement and data from google spreadsheet please help

If you start or initiate then o will join with you… first refer with the extension, you will feel easy do

Ok thanks i will start and tell please send telegram id
i will contact and share details

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Next step please please help me

u have made only one item… but in your sample plenty is there…

if possible share sample aia

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Screen ais file is comfortable???

nope… sorry. convert into aia, open with 7zip, remove unwanted screens, keep the needed screen then upload the new aia

Ok ok ok wait

test this

slideDown.aia (134.2 KB)

Used extension

Dynamic Comp exte @yusufcihan
Phase exte @Shreyash
KevinEnhanceExtension @Kevinkun

FloatingActionView by atom developer

details from length of lists google spreadsheet please set me please

i have added sample aia, pls see to that dear @Raj7

Ok ok any time you free please chech my aia and set data from google spreadsheet please please

But the screen have no specific data,url,logic etc etc but it has only native component… Do not get confused between these too…