Tiny Db Error Screen redirecting automatically without tags

I checked out Bugs in Kodular Eagle before creating a new topic

Tiny db is taking tags automatically without any event I have not stored any value to tiny db but it redirects to another screen but I have blocks set up in this way if tiny db gets tag then it should redirect to another screen

In maybe other app or in kodular companion you have test app and mobile stores that tinydb tag , so try to rename you tinydb or use any other tag name

I tried changing tiny db and also tag name but still I am not able to solve this issue

Oh, you have an error in blocks use if “not” “is empty” get value from tindb then open another’s screen


You have to use is empty block before get tinydb value tag “phone”.
Its not a bug you set blocks wrong in which condition is always true by using is empty if value is not set then else part work


Or use it like this



Can you please send blocks image

I have tried this also but not working for me

that method of mine is working i am using that in my apps aso,

Where do you store tag Phone, show us that



I got the solution thanks for the reply :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

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he is storing phone tag while first login, and when user open app again after once login he was checking that phone tag in empty or not, and his checker was not configured for once login system, so give hima solution that check if not is empty phone tag then open another screen else call sign in,

But still something is wrong here, hi is on screen Signin so why the need to reopen same screen again


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i think he put mistakenly an error while block assembly he needs to be open signup screen instead of sign in screen, because he is clicking signup and calling sign, big mistake i hope he will get this now and fix :joy:

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I have changed that :smile::smile:

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