Toggle Button / Tags Group | Create simple and elegant button/tag group


Thank you
This is a very useful extension.

But, how do I unselect the tag which is selected. There is no option to reset the selection. Maybe I am missing something?


Simply click on tag again

Hi, this is a great extension! I wonder how can I select or unselect a button using a Block? Can I use somehow the “tag” id for that? Thank You!

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This extension is awesome :+1: and I’m using in my app, but I have a strange error when using website (just for analytics etc.), something happens in the code and I get an error just with this extension when creating the layout: “Input error: String 16.0dip”. It’s really unfortunate, because it’s a really useful ext I’m using.
Edit: I’m guessing the error is something to do with the default font size (which is 16), but not sure how, and changing it in blocks or design palette does nothing
Edit 2: After some testing, this error is occurring also without the enhance from, when I use the firebase auth and push notif component, but it does work normally if I don’t use those 2 mentioned comp (but they are needed for tracking preferably).
Edit 3: After a lot of testing, I’m adding this here just in case for the benefit of anyone with similar issue: there is no more error if you don’t use the push notification and firebase auth components at all, which is normally a problem if that is needed your app for tracking, but I discovered that it’s possible to Enhance ( the app still without the bug occurring :+1:, at least at the time of writing this that’s true, can’t say for future updates

Thanks to the author for this nice extension!

I’m trying to use it with icons but the images are not showing in the tags. Even when importing the provided AIA example. Any thoughts on why that may be?

Thank you,

What about providing a screenshot of your relevant blocks?


Sure, my bad! Here you go:

This is the asset manager, showing the imported picture to the project:

This is the screen structure:

Here you can see the blocks, please note it is setting the icon:

And here is the result it shows in the companion app:

Appreciate the help!

Is there a way to start with a tag selected / select a tag via code after initialization?

thank you for this nice aix but can i control in the alignment and make it in center