Too many assets in project? Help

Hello guys, boys
I have a very technical problem to submit to you
For a long time I have developed an app to classify collector coins.
I developed the app with app inventor and would like to migrate to Makeroid (which has more potential, even graphics)
My app contains numerous files in the ASSETS folder (about 300) and will have even more files in the years to come…
I can’t upload the project to Makeroid (I think because of the many files in Assets).
I have the same problem in App inventor but I solved it by uploading my project from:
I enclose a simple project (only with files in Assets) to help you better understand the problem and the error that Makedroid makes me.
Can you give me a solution?
P. S. I don’t want to upload all the files in runtime…
Thank you in advance

PaoloServer ErrorTest_assets.aia (1,3 MB)

It has to do with the number of assets. When i, as a test, deleted halve of your assets the aia file is imported right.

you asked your questions on the AI forum some time ago.!searchin/mitappinventortest/number$20of$20assets|sort:relevance/mitappinventortest/vHM1hWp5AT8/2whG_YWdBAAJ

Yes, Peter is true, I asked myself if there is a solution for Makeroid as well…

Evans explanation why it works on code.appinventor and not on ai2.appinventor is:

There’s a hard limit at 10 MB per project to send it to the build server. This is enforced by the Google App Engine runtime–if we go over, it will kill the transfer. Another challenge is that a project with many files (screens + assets + extensions) will take a long time to load out of Google Cloud Storage. There is a hard limit of 1 minute runtime so if there are too many files then that can end up killing the transfer to the build server as well. If you are running into problems at you can try loading your projects into and try there. The latter server runs at Amazon rather than Google and so doesn’t have the same restrictions.


Thank you Peter, you were very clear and precise!
I understand that the same restrictions apply to Makeroid (10 MB size and 1 minute connection)
No hope of loading my project into Makeroid.
Perhaps if one day there will be a builder version that works offline I could upload and compile my project, for App Inventor it exists.
I’m sorry because I like the Makeroid development environment and its Forum very much.


I don’t know which servers Makeroid is using. Maybe it is on Amazon. Lets wait what the developers have to say about this.
I just gathered the information.

Thanks Peter
Appearance with anxiety good news
I would like to migrate to Makeroid!!

If you want to have many images as assets, you can convert your image files to Base64 format and save them in TinyDB as text.

A sample image file in Base64 looks like this:
data:text/png;base64,<Base64 code>

To decode images from Base64 use this extension by @sivagiri

Thank you guys,
I will do some experimentation with the method suggested by pavi2410 (I have never used it and I must understand how it is used!)

Great idea.

This would be your Belgian one euro image


i used this site to convert it:

From the string i deleted this part: data:image/jpeg;base64,


As the status page sais, we are running Makeroid in Google Cloud Platform

Didn’t think about looking there. :wink:

Thank you again, guys.
I will do some experiments…
Good work to everyone… you’re strong!
