Try to Store Value On Firabase Under a Tag without internet and Trying To call the Value without internet from same Tag

Annotation 2020-05-16 101354
Think now i am not connected with internet or don’t have a valid connection
Then when i click Button 1…then nothing will be store on Firebase under following Tag.Beacuse that i am not connected to the internet.
Now i am click Button 2 and try to call same value from same Tag also offline…It’s should give value empty… because without internet no value can be call from Firebase.

But it’s show The value i was tried to store offline but couldn’t successfull for internet.
Why this value return here i think it’s an big Bug.

As per i know, this is not possible to store value or get value without internet connection.
You can use tinyDb for better solution

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But Problem is when i am trying to call data without internet it’s should give value empty.
But it’s show value that i am tried to store under same Tag without internet.

Check connectivity before saving