Unable to download file from WebViewer

Asset folder after make you app is only for read.
Only you can write external storage, like Download/

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Found the files which were being saved into my storage.

No offense but your question in the topic was answered in post # 14. Everything else is #off-topic.
Try with ( for read )

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You will understand me, rules are rules !!!


Why is the content of the file looking like encoded or something ??

Remember that ?
Blob URI/URL was created by JavaScript, refers to data that your browser currently has in memory (only in current page), and does not refer to data the exists on the host

Is there is any solution to hide this

No, you can only download using links which has http or https.

i dont want to download file can i hide that error dialogue please

This question is #off-topic !!!
Try hide the error with when Screen. Error Occurred event

If you need help, please search in the forum. If you can’t find the answer create a post with your question.

ok how can i use it in my error

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