Unable to get value from baserow

I am unable to get value from baserow. I checked api key,table id are correct but not get value. I used @oseamiya great baserow extension.
Please help me​:grinning:


Show your blocks or screenshots or aia

I uploaded all screenshots please look :grinning:

Remove all the blocks from got all rows event block and use one label to get print the get values. Then decide what need to be use.

I hope the return value will be in Json format so you need to separate into different lists using dictionary blocks

Get each col values into concern global list just by using this simple procedure

Okh, wait i am trying :grinning:

But few weeks ago its working properly without any error :smiley:

Its not working. Cannot get data from baserow

Temporarily add a label and set label’s text to get values. Do you get any ?

Getting only this error

No, i tried already

Are you using latest version of companion 1.5.4?

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I am using companion beta 1.5.3, but not get update for .4

Download it from here

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Thanks for companion latest version but i also tried with apk but same error same problem

Which version of the extension do you use ?

Latest version of basrow 4.1

Can not tell what the issue is , maybe provide a test aia so someone can check it

Wait for i test with new project & new aia then I got my problems​:smiley:

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I tested its working on another project. I think this problem come because of this error.I don’t know about this error please tell me why it happened

Post a screenshot of your blocks. Do you use an extension to add border some where ?