Unable to login in Appybuilder Code Editor

I am unable to login in Appybuilder Code Editor. I have tried many times and tried by reset password and clear cookies but didn’t work.
Always “Invalid User or Password” error message displayed when trying to login.

Can anyone tell why I am unable to login ?

Have you tried to sign up on it. It is working fine in mine. I tried to login and it success.

It works Fine For Me editor.appybuilder.com Login

I have already Signup and if I try to sign up again. It shows email already used.

Site is working fine but unable to login.

I am saying you to sign up with different email. And then post here the result.

Can’t sign up with different email because I have only one.

Everything is fine :+1:
Check https://status.kodular.io/

Yes I know but I am unable to login and trying to login from last few days and finally posted here.

After Entering mail id and Password Click on Enter not Sign up

you can Create a temporary mail and login no need of Creating Gmail Account

Done this but fail to login

Done and this is working but why I am unable to login with my email address ?

Can just show me a recording or a Screenshot

Send a pm to @Hossein .he’ll solve your iussue.

Click On forgot password

Alright tried but now able to login.

Still it happens You can ask @Hossein

PM me the email that you use and we’ll check into it.

@ramrajput200021 try to log in again

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