Unchive Desktop App

*If the tags are wrong, just ask me to change them.

This is a version of Unchive as a desktop application that works offline. I built the app using Nativefier and modified it a little to make it more appropriate. I downloaded two https:// dependencies and bundled them.

View Beta Screenshot on Google Drive


And it really shouldn’t be in Beta, it’s not that hard.

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I need to adjust some things in it. I got rid of some options present in the menu bar my editing a file called main.js as they were not necessary. To install nativefier, you need Node.js and run the command npm install -g nativefier. I disabled allow external URLs in a file called nativefier.json and other things so nobody alters the original purpose of the program.

But you didn’t explain the purpose, it’s basically a webview in desktop form?

It is a webview in a desktop app. I built it so users that can have an offline version of Unchive when needed.

One thing is, if you take a look here, @Vishwas made it so you can do this on your own simply with Python.

¶ Installation of Unchive is simple – all one requires is a working version of python – meaning you can run Unchive on your device to view AIAs offline!


Is this WebView in desktop

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Yes it is.

I downloaded the source code and I am presented with nothing but a blank page if I open the index.html file in a browser like Google Chrome. Google Chrome may be blocking a layout rendering script from running. It only works in Electron/Nativefier for some unknown reason.

You need to serve the html files over a local HTTP server, which is why opening individual files from your browser won’t work.

This is why the readme asks you to run an HTTP server using python (although you could use any service for this)


That is because, it’s basically a simple webview. Since Unchive is already hosted, it’s going to work.