Unlimited Free Storage For Short & Lengthy Videos (Fast, Reliable)

What doesn’t work? Show what you expect to happen, what is actually happening, and your relevant blocks.

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Show your blocks gentlemen

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100% sure that system will not work

Please show us what you have tried.

I have tried his aia and looked same problem :sweat_smile:

Why ask for help if you don’t give any info? If you want serious help you have to ask a serious question.

You also have 3 other accounts with the same ip adress. Why is that? Only one is allowed.

Oh, believe me I have only one account . If don’t trust me then you can delete others

Where did you register your account? Was it at school?

If you want to watch fb videos you can’t watch without login to your account

No It was at my house in 2019

This is only for private videos you can watch all the public videos without logging in.

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How to get those different quality links

The method was already available in the aia file. have a look buddy

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

You should use English.

Hello i want to make this type app mean I want to show Facebook image in listview but how to get facebook images link like we get video image

Can you tell me how to make

I amfrom Pakistan can you give me your telegram id

EXO player deephost is paid