Unwanted Location permission in my app

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as @parmarparth996 and @bodymindpower which components you have used and is there any extension used?

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@ImranTariq & @parmarparth996 & @bodymindpower

Component :
Admob Interstitial
Circular Progress Bar

GmailUtils for Mail

what error you are getting while uploading apk?

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When I select age in App Content to Under 8 … it shows remove location permission from the app


have you checked after removing admob interstitial ?

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I think he done as he said

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Did you check email extension permission

yes checked but it still ask location permission

I had removed the mail extension and after again when i download and test still it ask location permission

i cant understand why its still asking for that permission, maybe @Boban can help here?

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Hello Mr. @Boban
I’m facing a problem please help me

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Are you absolutely sure that’s all? If so, try removing the location permission from the manifest and see if it works.


which software i use to remove location permission from AndroidManifest.xml @bodymindpower

It takes some time to explain … so post APK here or per Mail.

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okay i’m posting the apk here

Are you absolutely sure that you removed the Admob Interstitial component completely?
I dont think so.

This component requires the following permissions and add them to the Manifest:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/>

Ohh I’ll remove it and will try again

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