Give list of components and extensions you used
No, show your blocks or the used components, extensions …
as @parmarparth996 and @bodymindpower which components you have used and is there any extension used?
@ImranTariq & @parmarparth996 & @bodymindpower
Component :
Admob Interstitial
Circular Progress Bar
GmailUtils for Mail
what error you are getting while uploading apk?
When I select age in App Content to Under 8 … it shows remove location permission from the app
have you checked after removing admob interstitial ?
I think he done as he said
Did you check email extension permission
yes checked but it still ask location permission
I had removed the mail extension and after again when i download and test still it ask location permission
Are you absolutely sure that’s all? If so, try removing the location permission from the manifest and see if it works.
It takes some time to explain … so post APK here or per Mail.
okay i’m posting the apk here
Are you absolutely sure that you removed the Admob Interstitial component completely?
I dont think so.
This component requires the following permissions and add them to the Manifest:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/>
Ohh I’ll remove it and will try again
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