Upcoming migration

We will be performing a database migration in some services that your apps are currently using. This maintenance will take place at 2020-04-04T21:30:00Z2020-04-04T22:30:00Z.
Please expect some malfunctions during that time.

This migration takes place after some users report issues with their purchased commission removals. It will be fixed after this change.
Also, lots of build errors will be solved.


i hope the problems will be solved


Don’t worry it will be solved!:blush::blush:


You can’t really rely on dev predictions… Unless they actually tested it :astonished:

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I hope this database migration is expected to cure the problem posted here

if not such a case, I will keep waiting… :smiley:

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I expect that problems will be solved
take your own time to migrate, so we don’t get bugs after migrating database

Please fix it… image from assets taking long time to display

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It should be fixed now


hello still unity ads are appearing in the apps . should we update the app to get it done

What’s your App ID?

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