Some people like some things, other like others. Choice is the foundation. The reason is not our business.
Alright that makes sense.
Thanks mate
Anytime, cian.
Why this after uploading your extension
Not working on a rooted device when i click on OK no action happend and when i select palytore block it shows this message that runtime error 20190513_102237.mp4 (9.5 MB)
no action happend on memuplay 5.1 lollypop emulator on all options. just popup and when ok just dismiss dialogue. no app close
Why not just stay in this topic instead of opening another one. This is the solution that you need. @cian is still developing the extension so just be patient.
I want to black all Apps which can read Logs and so on.
I want to make my app safer against hacking
Ok everyone, I am working on it right now,
@wizular . The installation bug is a Kodular issue, not the extension.
With your video, you need to make sure that you setup the notifier so that it closes the application when you click OK.
Is it possible app hides from apkeditor :v . Cause still I am facing problem hiding firebase url and token.
Open a new thread and paste what you have done from the obfuscation blocks.
(New release of HackProtect will be out today at some point)
New update released!
Change logs and new link for the AIX is at the top of the topic.
Ok . See my notes above. Some NOX versions and BlueStack give Build and Version values that are the same as Samsung. So the only other way is to cross reference with the telphonymanager, but that requires a Read_Phone_State permission.
Do you think I should release two different versions?
Understood. That’s enough for me, thank you.
I’ve made an app for detailed hacking testing with your extension:
HackProtect.apk (4 .1 מ״ב)
HackProtect.aia (29 .9 ק״ב)
What are the results?