Update App Through Upload

Hey there! I dont want to publish my app to google play and have it for my friends only but i want a way for them to tap update app and download the update i uploaded to the app without them going to any website or sending them any file just tap download and download my uploadde .apk file. Any help?

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Welcome to community, i think you must need to upload your app on web somewhere , like drive or android freeware type websites to check new version and download,

i did that with firebase but when i try to download my app it says only download from HTTPS/HTTP Urls even if my link has HTTPS

maybe firebase permission is not set to true?

Bro i have done it in my some app
Use Firebase storage for storing apk and update apk
There is an extension for firebase storage


Even you can make admin app for it to upload app through admin app :grin:

How did you set URL? We cannot set future app’s url right now